A laundry room needs to be clean and well-organized in every home. It’s amazing but true that the average American spends more time in the laundry than in the bathroom. Then why ignore it when it consumes a major part of your time while washing tonnes of clothes in a year?

With households nowadays having their laundries in their homes, this trait of home designing is becoming popular these days. Let us try to understand what you should be doing to make your laundry better and more convenient.
Make it a part of Your Home.
Most of the homes used to have their laundries in their basements alienated from the rest of the home. But nowadays, with changing priorities and time becoming much costlier, people are merging laundries either with their, kitchen or their bathroom. By this, you can possibly perform two works at a single go of time besides being much more attentive to both of them.
These days we can even see laundries being installed in bedrooms, that are actually larger in size to increase the convenience of the family. One should try to keep it utmost integrated with the family in order to benefit the most from it.
The Right Place and Space
Considering the space in your home, one must provide a perfect space and place it in your washer and dryer along with other needed objects. If possible, the washer and dryer may be placed in some of the vacant closets in the hall. However, it is completely one’s own choice to decide its position. Amidst this, the installation of a cabinet, shelf and sink must not be forgotten. With a shelf overhead, supplies like cloth conditioner and detergents could conveniently be placed.

A folding table nearby could also make it easier for one to fold clothes in an arranged manner. There must also be a space for hanging the clothes that need air to dry. All this should be kept in mind in the primary design and installation of one’s laundry room. An ironing centre is also a must for every household desiring its laundry.
Optimum Use is the Best Policy
The efficient use of baskets, Drawers, Cabinets and Racks in or near your laundry room could enhance the convenience and effectiveness of your designed laundry. Installing it near a window could further increase the benefits of eating a natural light for the task. The use of wooden furniture with waterproof capability is highly recommended. A home laundry in proximity to an open area could provide the family with a ready-made drying spot.
All Depends on Your Need
Besides having a good laundry idea, one must choose the installation according to one’s own household needs. Like, it depends on what type and quantity of clothes one has to deal with. Large quantities of clothes to wash can make it suitable for you to have a separate in-house laundry with good storage.
Bonus Tip
Usage of ironing could also decode the complexities of one’s laundry room. Like, there are some families who mostly use iron-free clothes. This reduces their chance of having a separate ironing center. Families having huge lawns can also use the natural sun rays to dry their clothes, hence, less dependent on the in-house space, especially provided for the air-drying for some recommended clothes.